     The present higher education system focuses only on the domain (subject) knowledge of the faculty. It does not focus on teaching-learning process, pedagogical content and its various tools which are very vital to increase the quality of learning experience in the different educational programmes. Hence, it will be mandatory for a newly recruited faculty to undergo Faculty Induction Programme after their appointment in HE institutions. The main objective of the mandatory induction programmes is to sensitize and motivate the faculty to adopt learner centered approaches, ICT integrated learning and new pedagogic approaches to teaching-learning assessment tools in higher education. This induction programme will include teaching and research methodologies (flip classrooms, collaborative learning, case approach), use of ICT, curriculum structure and design, sensitization to gender and social diversity, professional ethics, sharing of best practices and updating developments in their field of study, etc. Faculty development has a critical role to play in promoting academic excellence and innovation. This is one of the priority actions aimed at improving the professional capability and performance of teachers to deliver effective and quality learning. Hence, Faculty Induction Programmes will include the four possible types of development: personal (interpersonal skills, career development, and life planning issues), instructional (course design and development, instructional technology) organization (ways to improve the institutional environment to better support teaching) and professional (ways to support faculty members so that they fulfil their multiple roles of teaching, research, and service).
     The entire programme will be residential and, in order to complete all the modules, it will ideally require 170 to 175 hours, including some project work and field visits. An ideal duration of the programme will therefore be approximately 1 month (excluding Sunday and National Holidays).
     To sensitise and motivate the faculty to adopt learner centered approaches, ICT integrated learning and new pedagogic approaches to teaching- learning, assessment tools in higher education.
     Implement curriculum reforms in the context of interdisciplinarity, multi-disciplinarity and applied approaches to knowledge.
     Adopt flexible evaluation processes which are more scientific to evaluate multiple skills and competencies of students.
     Promote four possible types of faculty development: personal (interpersonal skills, career development, and life planning issues); instructional (course design and development, instructional technology); organisational (ways to improve the institutional environment to better support teaching); and professional (ways to support faculty members so that they fulfil their multiple roles of teaching, research, and service).
     To promote academic excellence, teaching innovation, research capabilities and leadership skills.
     To improve the professional capability and performance of teachers to deliver effective and quality learning