Since its inception in 1971, the Department of Sanskrit has created milestones in its path of serving the sublime cause of higher and the highest Sanskrit education and expertise in language, literature, culture and philosophy. It has catered excellently to the ever growing need for scientific semantic, hermeneutic and esoteric base of our ancient and stupendous heritage. Through its courses it has addressed the emergent need to handle the ups and downs of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual stresses in the lives of the common folk abiding by the implications of real education. Since then till now it has established, maintained and inculcates the values of national and global integration, culturally and holistically. It has represented and continues to imbibe the sublime educational tradition required to groom the modern society in making it an elite, enlightened and harmonious one. It realizes the goal of the Vedic norm in ‘sculpturing ladies and gentlemen of the globe’ cited as, ‘Krn̟vanto Viśvamāryam’.