No. of Books Published: 13
No. of Research Articles Published: 41
No. of Seminars Organized: 8
Projects Completed: - 2 (UGC Major and Minor)
Number of Ph.D produced – 23
Number of M.Phil. produced – 173
Number of ongoing Ph.D.- 25 M.Phil- 7
Number of National/International conferences/seminars/workshops - presented paper by the faculty – 207
Project proposal submitted to UPE
Proposed budget for Rs. 2.90 Crores
History of Patanjala Yoga Tradition (1.4 Crores)
Representation of Dravidian Identity and South Indian Classical Languages: A Socio-linguistic approach on Visual Media (1.5 Crores)
A Dictionary project approved by the Director, State Institute of Languages, Kerala (Tamil-Malayalam Dictionary) (Will be signed in the end of January 2018)