     The Department Of Marine And Coastal Studies (Marine Field Research Facility) at Pudhumadam, Ramanathapuram District is an ideal location for conducting marine based research and academic programmes. The campus is located at close proximity to Mulli Island of Gulf of Mannar region. Ecologically sensitive marine habitats like Coral reefs, Mangroves, Seaweeds and Seagrass ecosystems are situated within a short distance from this campus. The Gulf of Mannar region and the outer coastal areas are extremely rich in marine biodiversity and offer extraordinary opportunities for marine biological studies. The department has been monitoring, on continuous basis, the status of coral reefs and ornamental as well as food fishes around the 21 islands in the Gulf of Mannar coast and reef areas of Palk Bay regions. This includes the status of corals, coral bleaching, coral diseases, algal growth, quantity of ornamental fishes etc. SCUBA diving, snorkeling and skin diving techniques are used for underwater reef ecology studies. The information gathered will help in the conservation and management of coral reef ecosystem in the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve. In addition to the ecological research, the department has been undertaking research in the areas of coastal marine pollution monitoring including solid waste and marine litter pollution and marine ecotoxicological research. These studies assess the status of coastal marine pollution along the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay coasts. The oceans provide new opportunities for the discovery of marine-based medicines/drugs. Marine organisms may play an increasingly important role in biotechnology and medicine as a result of their biochemical components. Isolation and identification of natural biological compounds such as repellents, toxins, antifoulants and antibiotics from marine organisms are also being carried out in this department.
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMCS) was instituted for the establishment of a Marine Field Research facility at Pudhumadam, a coastal village in Ramnad District in 1998. In 2009, this Centre was upgraded to the Department of Marine and Coastal Studies. A building for the establishment of “Marine Ecotoxicology Laboratory Facility” was constructed in the donated land at Pudumadam through MoES grant in 2005. Further the University has sanctioned grants for the construction of first floor above the Ecotoxicology Research laboratory facility and a new building facilities which include classrooms, research laboratories, library, seminar hall, staff room etc.
Provide world-class education and research facilities in the field of marine sciences with particular reference to coral reef environment and management for everyone‟s future prosperity
To contribute to the conservation, protection and management of coral reef resources of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay in the Southeast coast of India through teaching, research and environmental education activities.
To assess the status of reef resources users, their social, cultural and economic aspects for the uplift of poor fishing communities along the Gulf of Mannar and Palk bay coasts.
To develop human resource in the area of marine and coastal studies that would be ultimately of benefit to coastal communities.
To conduct Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research activities to facilitate conservation and sustainable utilization of reef resources.
To conduct job oriented training programme and course such as SCUBA Diving, Ecotourism, and Marine Ornamental Fish Maintenance for the benefit of all stakeholders.
To interact with and involve local people such as fishermen, students, and professionals, as stakeholders to participate in the process of conservation and protection of the marine environment and its resources.