    The School of Energy, Environment and Natural resources (SEEN) has many achievements and many awards. The school has received research grants under SAP (Special Assistance Programme) from UGC to encourage the infrastructure facilities. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India has recognized the school by establishing a Regional Test Centre (Solar Thermal). Department of Science and Technology (DST- PURSE) is also one more recognition to the School. The School has been recognized by its work and has been supported by international organizations such as IOC/UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, IFS, GCRMN and by national organizations such as the MoES (DOD), MoEF, ISRO, ICMR, DBT, CSIR, Planning Commission and the UGC. The GEF/UNDP has also identified and included this centre (now department) as a member institution to carry out research activities in the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve to protect and conserve the coral reefs.
Achievements by the Faculty Members of the School to become Vice Chancellor
Prof.Dr.Anandavalli Mahadevan | ||
Prof. Dr.K.Muthuchelian | ||
Prof.Dr.A.K.Kumaraguru |
    The faculty members of the School have received recognition from various national and International agencies in terms of awards. Some of them are listed here: Lifetime Achievement Award by UN – ECOSOC, DPI, UNESCO, UNICEF, Fellow, International Energy Foundation (FIEF) Canada, The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [IUCN], Merit of Excellence award in the field of Medicinal Plants Conservation at International level by University of Colombo, Prof. S. Kannaiyan Memorial Award 2017 by NABS, India, Best Vice-Chancellor Award, Lifetime Achievement Award by Nature and Geo Society, Lifetime Achievers Award by International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), Merit of Excellence award in the field of Plant Sciences, Best Scientist in Environmental Management, Young Scientist Award, INSA (Indian National Science Academy) Visiting Scientist Fellowship, Best Scientist Award, Best Assistant professor Award and Raman Fellowship.
Prof. Samuel paul raj
Best Tamil Book Award for the Government of Tamil Nadu (Awarded on Jan. 2007)
Sir. J.C. Bose Memorial Award (Awarded on 28th Feb., 2010)
Prof. A.K. Kumaraguru
Awarded UGC-BSR One Time Grant for meritorious service-March 2011
Awarded Best Teacher Gold Medal for Innovative Practices in Teaching and Research-October 2010
Awarded Archana Gold Medal – Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow-October 2007
Prof. K. Muthuchelian
Best Vice-Chancellor Award 2010-2011 by Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu Branch
Best Vice-Chancellor Award 2011-2012 by Indian Red Cross Society, Tamilnadu Branch.
Awarded the Prestigious 76th Indian Science Congress Endownment - Eminent Scientist Award in Natural Sciences by Madurai Kamaraj University – 2010
Awarded Merit of Excellence award in the field of Plant Sciences by Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi – 2010
Awarded Best Teacher in Innovative Practices in Higher Education–2008.
Dr. S. Kannan
Best District Nodal Officer award for Maximum Blood Donation by motivations through Red Ribbon Clubs by Tamilnadu State Blood Transfusion centre and Tamilnadu state AIDS Control Society Chenni during 2010.
Best NSS Programme Officer award - Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of Tamilnadu 2009.
Dr. M. Anand
M. D. T. Young Investigator Award 2012 for scientific investigation
    PG students have successfully qualified for National Eligibility Test, State Level Eligibility Test and GATE Examination. Scholars and students becoming as entrepreneur in Renewable energy and Environment. Many of our students have received National fellowships from UGC, DST and CSIR