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Kodayar, Pazhayar, Valliyar. There are numerous tanks and Streams which connects

               these drainages.

                       The whole ten southern district is classified into four major classes according
               to the elevation the region <50 m is coastal plain, 50 – 150 is known as Inland Plain,

               150- 300 is known as foot hill , >300 is named as Hill. The ten district has all the type

               of land and the Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, thoothukkudi part of tirunelveli and
               Part of kanniyakumari near the coast has  the normal terrain and the Kodaikkanal,

               theni, Tirunelveli, Kanniayakumari, has the hilly terrain.

               Geology and Soil

                       Recent Sandy Soil, Mature Soil, Recent Soil, Rock Outcrop, Red Sandy Soil,
               Black Soil, Immature soil. The ten southern districts has the major geological features

               such as Alluvium, Calc gnesis, Charnokites, Laterite, Sandstone, Lime Stone, Garnet
               Biotite Gnesis, Quartizite Vein are spread all over the area.

               Meteorological Details

               Temperature and Rainfall

                       The ten southern districts have the Annual Maximum temperature of about
               36°C, the north western part depicts the notable variation in temperature owing to the

               presence of Kodaikannal hill area where temperature maximum falls up to 20°C,
               During winter and North East monsoon period temperature raise up to 36°C during

               summer and southwest monsoon period notably along the entire coastal area of the
               present study. The impact of Kodaikanal hills during all the seasons can be noticed

               over the north western part. The ten southern districts has the annual average

               minimum of around 25°C excepting few places like Kundrakudi in the North East,
               Cheranmadevi and Aralvoimozhi in  the south. Seasonal average minimum

               temperature during the summer and southwest monsoon records around 26°C along

               the coast where as during the winter and northeast season the minimum falls notably
               below 20°C. The ten southern districts  have the annual rainfall of about 900mm.

               While the Kodaikanal hilly area receives the highest annual rainfall of about
               >1000mm, where as the northern half records an average of 800 – 900mm rainfall, the
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