     The School had its genesis with the formulation of the Department of Geography in 1971 under the visionary Geographer
Dr. (Late) Miss. A. R. Irawathy. Targeting the Southern districts which were out of reach to this branch of knowledge, the
Department offers M. Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D. Programmes in Geography. By introducing innovative and emerging areas in the
curriculum, the Department made a notable contribution in the fields of Urban Geography, Medical Geography, Transportation
Geography, Agricultural Geography, Remote Sensing and GIS. The Department of Geography also initiated an Advanced Post
Graduate Diploma in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications under the UGC Innovative Programme.
     Realizing that the future belonged to space based technology and the need for trained manpower in this field, a new
Department of Environmental Remote Sensing and Cartography was established. This Department offers Two year M.Sc.,
programme on Environmental Remote Sensing and Cartography, the first of its kind in the country. Now the programme is
upgraded as Earth Remote Sensing and Geo Information Technology and is recognized by UGC as an Innovative Programme. The
School is supported by UGC SAP-DRS. This school consists of the following departments.
     The Department of Futures Studies is engaged in Futures related researches, create awareness in environment and
natural resource management through seminars and extension activities, undertaken research projects using futures methods
and using GIS and RS in Education, Natural Resource Management and Environment. The department has contributed in Planning
and development at both regional level and micro level using inter-disciplinary state-of-art technologies.
     With a well equipped library of over 6000 books and a State of Art Laboratory of over 60 networked PCs the School has the best infrastructure available in the Southern part of the State. All the major Image Processing and GIS software and survey instruments such as DGPS, Total station are available for the students who get more hands on experience which helps them to get easy placement after the completion of their Degree. No wonder that the alumni of the School are working in various reputed institutions like Survey of India, Census of India, Indian Space Research Organization, National Institute of Ocean Technology, many industrial concerns and various Universities, Colleges and Schools. The School has an average placement ratio of 85 per cent.
Young Faculty with a lot of potentials for development
Well designed curriculum
Well equipped labs
Availability of all survey instruments
Imparting knowledge to students by field study.
International level competency
Since the formation of department of geography in Madurai Kamaraj University, has been working for the knowledge development in geography in all dimensions. The awareness and utilization of geomatics technology has increased in recent years. It was noticed that misconception and unawareness about the capabilities of this robust technology are among the major challenges which needs to be critically addressed to facilitate its growth and development. In this background, constituent departments have been bringing out the recent trends in this field and highlighted its application potential for the benefit of human beings.
Department research activity focuses on Environment and Health. SAP-DRS Phase II contents the themes such as Coastal environment and Health, Urban and Rural Health and Nutrition and Health. Climate change is the firing issue in all countries. It directly affects the Biosphere. So, a research centre on Climate change and Biogeography may be established in future.
School research activities focused to upgrade the departments as centre for advanced studies.