About Research
Coastal zone management
Landuse/landcover Changes
Urban Geography
Climate change
Research Highlights
Environmental Degradation
Featured Research
Geospatial Technology
Awarded Research Project, “Spatio-temporal Analysis of Dengu Disease and its Epidemiological Characteristics : A Case Study of Madurai City” from Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Auna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, Grant Rs.600,000/-
Title of the Project : “A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Change and Impacts of Quarry Dumps on Agricultural Land Using GIS –A Case Study of Melur Taluk in Madurai District, Tamil Nadu” Amount Rs. 5,00,000/-, During the Period 2014-2015, Funding agency ICSSR.
Title of the Project : “NGOs in Women Empowerment – A Geospatial study in Usilampatti Taluk, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu”, Amount Rs. 6, 54,600/-, During the Period 2012 – 2014, Funding agency UGC.
Socio-cultural and Ethics of fisherfolk in Tamilnadu-Continuity and changes (With special reference to Thiruvallur, Nagapattinam and Kanyakumari Districts)
Evaluation of land and water resources for sustainable development of land use using geoinformatics: A case study of Tambaraparani river basin. Rs.11,69,800-funding agency UGC
Evaluation of nesting ground and breeding season of Olive Ridley (Sea turtle) in the Nagappattinam Coast using GIS and GPS
PhD scholars name list with joining date and specialization
Research Supervisor |
Scholars |
Dr. V. Emayavaramban |
K. Mohankumar (F9413) –Project Fellow-SERB project-Coastal Zone management in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu using Geo-Spatial Technology.
K. Karthikesan (F9472)- Coastal resources management in Nagapatinam district using geo-spatial technology.
M. Sathishkumar (P9936)- Part time- Coastal resources management in northern coast of Tamil Nadu – A case study in Kanchipuram district using remote sensing and GIS.
B. Anusuya (P9865)- Part time- Land use and land cover change detection in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu, India, using remote sensing and geographical information system.
Ahmed Amirsha. P. V (F9483)- Dr. Moulana Azad National Fellowship- Integrated coastal zone management: A geo spatial analysis of Kavaratti and Andrott island, Lakshadweep.
C. Renganathan (P9951)- A study on climatic variation reference to landscape in northern Tamil Nadu.
Vinothkanna. S (P3478)- Impact of climate change on agricultural pattern and land use/ land cover in Namakkal district using Remote sensing and GIS.
Dr. V. Saravanabavan |
Ms. J. Vimala Vinnarasi Reg No. F8551 Full Time Scholar (USRF-Research Fellow) “Epidemiological and Ecological Aspects of Tuberculosis: A Geo-Medical Study of Dindigul District
Mr. P.Ganesan, Reg No. P9844 (Part Time) Scholar “Spatial Pattern of Tea Plantation Labourers and their Health and Nutritional Problems in Nilgiris District – A Geo Medical Study C.U. Reshma Reg No F9082 (Full Time) Scholar ( UGC – Junior Research Fellow) “A Geo-Medical analysis of Women and Health: A Special reference to reproductive disorders among Working Women in Thrissur district “
S.K. Sheheersha, Reg No F9105 (Full Time) Scholar (UGC – Junior Research Fellow) “An analysis of Telemedicine and Modeling of Telehealth system in Kerala State –Using GIS” Department of Geography, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
D.Balaji, Reg No F9401 (Full Time) (UGC-MRP) Geo- Medical analysis of Epidemiological and Environmental Characteristics of Vector born diseases in Madurai city: A special reference of Chikungunya
Ms. R. Rahamath Nisha, Reg No: P3665 (Part-Time) “Bio- Geo Characteristics of Dengue with reference to Vector Ecology in Madurai District”
Ms S. Eswari, Reg No: P4632 (Part-Time) “A Geo-Spatial analysis of Mother and Child Health care in Madurai District – A GIS Appraoch”.
Dr. V. Thangamani |
Post-Doctoral Scholars
Dr. P. Alaguraja: POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP, UGC Dr. RADHAKRISHNAN FELLOWSHIP: Research topic: Potential Areas of Artificial Recharge in Pudukkottai district, Tamil Nadu, India using Remote Sensing Data and GIS Techniques, Dt of Joining: 28-10-2015.
Ph.D Research scholars
Mr. Manu.N. Nair: Spatio – temporal Pattern of Road Accidents and Identification of Accident Prone Zones in Thiruvananthapuram District: A GIS Approach, Reg no: F9286, Dt: 05-03.2014. (DST – INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP. (not earlier than 28-02-2017) –On going
Miss. M. Sreelakshmy: Evaluation of Land and Water resources for sustainable development of landuse using Geoinformatics: A case of Coimbatore district. P3945 dated 27-07-2015 (not earlier than 23-07-2017) –On going.
Mrs.R.Saravani: Evaluate the morphology of drainage basins for intergrated watershed management of Theni district using geospatial technology, Reg no:P4045 , Dt: 22-09-2015. (not earlier than 07-09-2018) –On going.
Mrs. Geethanjalai, ``Dindigul district a spatio temporal analysis of land use land cover changes and its impact on occupational structure using remote sensing and GIS
Dr. I. K. Manonmani |
Ms. S. Mohana (Regn.No:F8921) A Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Functional Characteristics of Towns in Madurai District Using Geospatial Techniques.
Mr. S. Ravichandran (Regn.No:P3157) Geographical Analysis of Urbanization Process, Problems and Prospects of Karur Urban Agglomeration – A GIS Approach.
Ms. S. Valarmathi (Regn.No:F9288) Spatio – Temporal Analysis of Female Population Characteristics Using GIS– A Case Study Of UsilampattiTaluk, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu
Ms. J. Ramalakshmi (Regn.No:P4112) An Assessment of Environmental Degradation in Varaganadhi Sub Watershed, Vaigai River Basing Using Geo Spatial Techniques.
Ms. P. Deepthi (Regn.No:P4046) A Spatio – Temporal of Population Characteristics and Primary Health Care in Kerala State.