National Level - Dr. K. CHANDRASEKARAN
Sl.No |
Title of the Paper |
Conference Title |
Date |
Organiser |
1 |
International Conference on Focus on mindfulness:Grimpses of neuroscience Education-2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |
2 |
International Conference on Focus on mindfulness:Grimpses of neuroscience Education-2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |
3 |
International Conference on Renaissance in sports. |
10th and 11th Feburary 2017 |
National college, Tiruchirappali |
4 |
International Conference on Renaissance in sports. |
10th and 11th Feburary 2017 |
National college, Tiruchirappali |
5 |
International Conference on Renaissance in sports. |
10th and 11th Feburary 2017 |
National college, Tiruchirappali |
6 |
International Conference on emerging trends in sports medicine, physical education, sports and science and yoga. |
18th and 19th January 2017 |
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University,Chennai. |
National Level - Dr. V. JEYAVEERAPANDIAN
Sl.No |
Title of the Paper |
Conference Title |
Date |
Organiser |
1 |
International Conference on Emerging trends in sports medicine, physical education, sports science and yoga |
18th and 19th January 2017 |
Tamilnadu physical education and sports university chennai |
2 |
International Conference on Focus on mindfulness: Grimpses of neuroscience Education-2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |
3 |
International Conference on Focus on mindfulness: Grimpses of neuroscience Education-2017 |
10th and 11th Feburary 2017 |
National college, Tiruchirappali |
National Level - Dr. C.RAMESH
Sl.No |
Title of the Paper |
Conference Title |
Date |
Organiser |
1 |
International Conference on Focus on Mindfulness: Glimpses of Neuroscience Education -2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |
2 |
International Conference on Focus on Mindfulness: Glimpses of Neuroscience Education -2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |
3 |
International Conference on Focus on Mindfulness: Glimpses of Neuroscience Education -2017 |
7th and 8th December 2017 |
Alagappa University,Karaikudi. |