Honors and Awards |
Honors and Awards received by Faculty
Best Programme Officer Award on the occasion of silver jubilee celebration of MKU on 15.07.1993.
Dr.Malcom S. Adiseshiah Award by State Resource Centre for Non-Formal Education, Chennai on 29.09.1996.
Honour of 25 years service in Madurai Kamaraj University on Teachers’ Day of 5th Sep. 2017.
Students :
25 students qualified in NET/SLET.
50 Students qualified in TET/TRB.
Global Economic Progress & Research Association presented the BEST CITIZEN of INDIA – GOLD MEDAL AWARD (2017) to Dr.Chandrasekaran, for his outstanding contribution in Physical Education & Yoga Research.
Besides, in recognition of his service in YOGA field, he was awarded the prestigious “Yoga Seva” (2007) by TamilnaduYogasana Association, India; “Yogacharya” (2004) by Sri Patanjali Yoga Training Centre, Pondicherry & “Yoga Ratna” (2005) from Athma Yoga Centre and Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu, India. Further, he is a recipient of GOLD MEDAL from Indian Holistic Medical Academy for his contribution in health and fitness