Dr. Chandrasekaran Professor and Head Ph.D scholars list
Sl.No |
Name of the Scholar |
Registered Thesis Title |
Register No. with Date |
Fellowship Details |
1 |
Out Come of Game Specific Skills Training With and Without Yogic Practices In Selected Psychological Motor Fitness and Skill Performance Variables among Handball Players |
P3719 21-11-2014 |
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2 |
Influence of Different Kinds Of Training at High Altitudes on Selected Motor Fitness Cardio Pulmonary and Skill Performance Variables of College Level Soccer Players |
P3800 23-1-2015 |
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3 |
Effect of Yoga Practices and Core Training on Selected Physical Physiological Hematological Responses and Skill Performance Variables among College Men Basketball Players |
F9756 03-09-2016 |
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4 |
Qualification of Biomotor Abilities Physiological and Psychological Variables In Response to Contrast and Plyometric Training among College Men Students. |
P4904 05.01.2017 |
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Dr. V.Jeyaveerapandian Associate Professor P.h.D scholars list
Sl.No |
Name of the Scholar |
Registered Thesis Title |
Register No. with Date |
Fellowship Details |
1 |
Effects of Autogenic Training and Yogic Practices on Selected Psychological Variables among the Sportsmen and Non-Sportsmen |
P8537 18.09.2009 |
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2 |
Analysis of Basketball and Handball Players on Selected Physical, Physiological and Psychological variables among university players |
P9294 04.03.2011 |
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3 |
Enhancement of Isolated Concurrent Resistant Plyometric Training and Detraining on Selected Strength and Speed Parameters among College Level Court Game Players |
P3193 18.07.2013 |
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4 |
Influence of specific training with and without yogic practices on selected Bio – motor, Physiological and Psychological variables among college women Kabaddi players |
P4588 09.06.16 |
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5 |
Comparative effect of plyometric training yogic exercises and games specific training on selected physical fitness, physiological and psychomotor variables among college men volleyball players |
P-4584 09.06.16 |
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6 |
Impact of maximal power training with and without plyometric training on strength, power and skil performance parameters among Handball players |
F9846 17.03.17 |
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Dr. C.Ramesh Assistant Professor P.h.D scholars list
Sl.No |
Title of the Paper |
Conference Title |
Date |
Organiser |
1 |
Combined and Individualised Effect of Yoga and Aerobic Exercises on Selected Physical Physiological and Skill Performance Variables among Football Players |
Reg No: P3633 Date:14-08-2014 |
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2 |
Influence of Short Hill and Mini Hurdles Training on Selected Motor Components and Cardio Respiratory Parameters among college Men Players |
Reg No: F9757 Date:03-09-2016 |
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3 |
Effect of Ladder and Plyometric Training on Selected Physical Physiological and Anthropometrical Variables among Jumpers |
Reg No: P4612 Date:21-06-2016 |
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4 |
Design and Develop a Digital Match Analysis System for Handball Matches |
Reg No: F9847 Date:03-01-2017 |
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5 |
Effect of Jump Rope and Complex Training on Motor Fitness Physiological Skill Performance among College Level Basketball Players |
RegNo: F9845 Date:03-01-2017 |
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