Page 203 - Microsoft Word - DIGITAL ATLAS THOOT-1
P. 203

moderately accessible and the region above 10 Km are low accessible. Low accessible

               region are seen towards western and eastern part of the district.

               Plate No ATM.07

                       The thematic map layers such as educational facility, child population, and

               total population are used for the spatial  analysis of the higher secondary school
               service. Devakottai block is taken for this analysis. The higher secondary schools are

               located in a point layer and the 8 km buffer is created according to the NCERT norms.

               The buffer is over laid with the child population and  the area where the higher
               secondary school is not served are identified. The villages in the south with 1000-

               5000 population category are notably unserved with Higher Secondary School viz the

               villages namely Karkalathur, Muppaiyur, Thidakottai, and Kurunthankottai. All the
               inhabitants here are presently depending  the schools located in the North. So it can be

               suggested to locate a new Higher Secondary school in Kilkottai Hamlet of
               Karkalathur Village which is more accessesible for the above population and solve the

               problem of existing spatial gap.

               Plate No ATM.08

                       The suitable solid waste disposal site is identified using the thematic layers

               from digital atlas namely Land use, Transport facility, Ground water depth, Soil,

               Relief, Population Density, and Households. By considering Karaikudi municipality
               as base, as the solid waste can be transported up to the limit economically, 5km buffer

               zone is created. The weighted overlay analysis is carried out using all these layers by
               assigning weights and the suitable waste disposal site is selected. Overlay Analysis

               which comes under the category of Spatial Analyst tool in Arc GIS 9.3 is used. The

               Layers are given weight ages according to its influence; the result of the overlay
               analysis is categorized into three classes as Good, Moderate and Poor. Good means

               areas which are highly suitable for solid waste disposal. Moderate means areas which
               are moderately suitable for solid waste disposal, and Poor means which are not

               suitable for solid waste disposal. The result shows the suitable site which has the land
               use / land cover of wasteland and transport facility within 1km and the soil type of

               coastal Alluvial and the relief which is plain and the water depth is low with less

               population is the area that is highly suitable for the Solid waste disposal.
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