Alumni |
The Centre for Educational Research has established in 15th July 2008 and the Regular Faculty members were appointed in July 2010. The faculty members obtained Guideship in the year 2013 and the scholars are registered Ph.D from 2014 onwards, now 9 research scholars are doing Ph.D (Education) in the Centre for Educational Research. So the Centre has No Alumni at present and after the completion of their Ph.D, the Alumni Meet will be conducted in the future.
Prof. Tamby Subahan Mohd Meerah, Professor, Department of Methodology and Educational Practice, The National University of Malaysia (UKM) Malaysia,
Prof.Arunoday Saha Vice-Chancellor, Tripura Central University, Tripura.
Prof. Mohammad Akhtar Siddiqui , Chairperson , National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi,
Dr.G.Pankajam, Former Vice-Chancellor, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram
Prof.M.S. Palanichamy, Former Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Open University, Vice-Chairman , Tamil Nadu State Council for Technical Education, Chennai,
Dr.Ramakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Vivekanantha College, Thiruvedakam
Prof.T. Padmanaban, Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai