The seed for the School of Physics of Madurai Kamaraj University was sown with the establishment of the department of physics in the post graduate extension centre of the University of Madras in 1962.
This department was upgraded to School of Physics in 1976. The school has four constituent departments: Physics, Theoretical physics, Computational Physics and Laser Studies. Thrust area of the school is Condensed Matter Physics. In School of Physics, three programs are offered under the CBCS. They are M. Sc Physics, M. Phil Physics and Ph. D in Physics. The school upholds the great ideals and its objectives. Academic programmes upto a great extent are in line with the university’s best goals and curricula.
The school is striving to be at the forefront of higher education and research in Physics. The major research facilities are CAD-4 Automatic X-ray Diffractometer for single crystal studies, Micro/ Macro Raman Spectrometer, Powder X-ray diffractometer, High performance computing cluster, UV spectrophotometer, Spectrofluorimeter, Electro Chemical Workstation, Atomic Force Microscopy etc.
To enhance talent and skills of the post graduate students and to meet the emerging challenges and demands of the century, new papers are introduced as electives in the syllabus in the present academic year. The papers are Advanced Computational Physics, Nano Physics, Optoelectronics and Introductory Particle Physics (in collaboration with INO). To add lustre to the golden phases of its history, recently School of Physics is awarded by the DSA programme.